Saturday, May 1, 2010

horrid picture quality, but my scanner is not working. this was a new inking method i was experimenting with, i like how the color turned out, not to happy with the drawing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

....i dunno what it is with me and drawing turtle necks.. i dont actually like turtlenecks at all...

this is what happens when i listen to waaay too much charlieissocoollike while i doodle...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

this.. i suppose is called purge. I drew it in film class cause i had nothing else to do, and it
so happened to be day of silence, so i couldn't talk to anyone, and thus i drew this...
im not really sure if it has any meaning.. though i was kind of going for a purge of vomiting up all your fears.. seeing as i have so many.. im afraid of so many things its rediculous...
okay rant done.. my apologeeeeze